Saturday, August 29, 2009

...more Fashion Illustration

Men's Coat;

As summer is fast approaching, so is the end to my Fashion Illustration course sadly.What I have below are images so far contributing to my final piece.

Such cold winter has got me searching for a decent coat, and with it came the fascination into the engineering details & materials of some coats available. With this in mind, I was very much inspired by the thinking behind labels such as C.P. Company, D&G, & Vexed Generation among the few.

What I wanted to create was something that crosses over traditional gentleman utility coats (Hunter's, Aeronautical Pilot coats {& the cool leather helmet + goggles} and the classic Pea Coat) with something that has a lot more technological echo in the designs & details. Think of;

• Tron but directed & produced by Tim Burton or
• 19th Century Expedition climbers meets Darth Vader

What I chose to work on is the above idea of an extra layer which can be worn underneath the coat, in short, a body warmer inspired by Life-Vest.

Final idea to be finished & soon.
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Appreciation for traditional methods

Whilst recognising benefits of Digital Media, I have also been fortunate enough to have Art A level as a compulsory class through my Graphic Design education, as such my love for traditional drawing and painting was exercised.

Realising which tools apply for which job is a big part of Design and Illustration. These are just some of my hand finished work, I just cannot put my sketchbook down longer than a week.


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